Experience evidence


As part of your ACS migration skills assessment, you need to demonstrate evidence of work experience. Please review the guidelines for each evidence type carefully to ensure all required information is included and each document is correctly formatted.


Evidence types and how to submit them correctly


Employment References →


Payment Evidence →


How is work experience defined?


To qualify for the ACS Migration Skills Assessment, an applicant's work experience must be at a professional IT level and directly related to the nominated occupation, underpinned by SFIA (Skills Framework for the Information Age). Employment eligibility is based on: 

  • Consistently working and remunerated for 20 hours per week minimum 
  • The role was to be performed at the level and depth of complexity required for the nominated occupation and ANZSCO
  • Salary reflects level of skill
  • Employment commenced after the age of 18 years  



Unpaid/partially paid leave, unpaid internship or volunteer services will not be considered as paid employment at the required skill level of a nominated occupation for skills assessment purposes.


Other forms of work experience


Concurrent employment 


You can only claim one period of employment (job) for a period of time.  If you worked for multiple employers during the same period, the episode of employment that gives the best outcome will be assessed. The others will be noted as concurrent employment and not accepted.


Teaching experience 


IT teaching experience must be in a recognised qualification at the level of an AQF diploma or higher, at a recognised institution.


Research Work 


Research solely aimed at fulfilling thesis requirements for a qualification cannot be considered work experience. Please obtain a statement from your supervisor specifying any research work you've conducted that is not directly related to your thesis.


Australian employment


Each period of employment in Australia including secondment to Australia by an overseas employer should be recorded separately in the application portal


Employment outside Australia

  • If you worked in different countries (excluding Australia) for the same employer and in a similar job, combine them as one entry (with one Employment Reference)
  • Record each separate period of employment outside Australia individually in the application portal

Multiple roles with one employer


If you had multiple roles with the same employer, please provide a breakdown of each role in your employment reference letter. The periods each role/designation/title that was held must be listed in DD/MM/YYYY format with the separate duties performed in each role and the location in which each role was performed.


Unable to obtain an employment reference or self-employed


Applicants who are unable to obtain an employment reference or are self-employed will need to submit a Statutory Declaration.


Statutory Declaration requirements→


Freelance experience 


Freelance experience refers to working as a contractor or sole trader. To verify this, applicants must provide formal statements from the companies they worked for, on official letterhead, detailing the entirety of the experience claimed with dates and hours per week.


Additionally, submission of payment evidence, like client invoices paired with matching bank statements or official taxation records, is required to show consistent income from self-employment.


Region-specific business or employer checks 


ACS reserves the right to check on company registration and existence in the respective countries’ business registers. For example:


  • Australia: The company is listed in the Australian Business Register
  • India: Employing company being registered with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt of India
  • Pakistan: Employing company being registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and/or registered with the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) of Pakistan


Similar checks can be performed for all countries.




If any of your original documents are not in English, they will need to be translated.


Document translation  requirements→



Start your application without delay 


You can start the process now and come back to it any time you like. All you need is proof of ID and a way to pay your application fee – Visa, Mastercard, American Express and PayPal are all accepted.


ACS Migration Skills Assessment Info Hub


Your source of all detailed information and policies related to the ACS Migration Skills Assessment.


3 ways to get help should you need it

ACS Migration Webinar

ACS Migration Webinars

Get the latest skilled migration updates and questions answered live by experts.
ACS Migration Webinar

ACS AppAssist

Get your application right first time with expert guidance from your AppAssist consultant.
ACS Migration Webinar

Migration Agents

A registered migration agent is great for guiding you through the whole process.