

 Contact the Tasmania branch to see what membership can do for you.


Local resources

As of 2021 the Australian Computer Society has supported the Tasmanian ICT industry for 50 years. We have worked hard to foster a sense of community amongst ICT professionals. Our members hold a sense of collective responsibility for building the State’s technological expertise, improving our digital economy, and creating pathways for our professionals to be successful.


Become A Member


We encourage you to become a member of the ACS so that you can contribute to our growing network of students, professionals, and mentors.

  • Map your skills and guide your career development through the ACS mySFIA tool
  • Improve your technical knowledge and your soft skills with our online Learning Accelerator
  • Set yourself apart, become an ACS Certified Professional and be recognised by your peers
  • Build your network and hear from local, national, and international speakers at ACS Event
  • Keep up to date on news and insights affecting your industry and professional future

Contributing As A Professional


As a society we look to pool the collective knowledge of our members for the benefit of everyone. Our members are encouraged to participate in thought leadership, industry studies and to actively engage with your fellow members.


We are always seeking expert speakers for events or webinars as well as relevant, newsworthy content to publish in our local eNews and national publications.


You can also join our Branch Executive Committee and directly lend your skills to the success of the Tasmanian ICT community by advising our strategic direction.



Contributing As A Business


Providing an opportunity for someone early in their career through work integrated learning or by taking on a formal mentorship is not only incredibly rewarding but can yield significant benefits to your business while creating a professional far more likely to be successful in their career.


Join more than 300 organisations who have become a professional industry partner of the ACS. Your collaboration helps us to deliver high quality content to all our Tasmanian members while creating a bespoke professional development and workforce engagement program for your ICT workforce.


General Contact Information

11 Morrison St

Hobart TAS 7000

GPO Box 381
Hobart Tasmania 7001

(02) 9299 3666



Branch Staff


Branch Executive Committee