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mySFIA self-assessment

Map out your path to success with mySFIA, a customised tool that helps ACS members profile and assess their skills to stay ahead of the curve.


Future-proofing tech careers and teams


Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) is the essential tool for organisational design and talent management in the tech sector. As Australia’s leading (SFIA) partner, ACS has developed mySFIA to help our members navigate constant technological change, develop their skills and future-proof their tech careers.


mySFIA helps you pinpoint your current skills profile (or that of your workforce) and recognise areas for development to help achieve your goals.


By meeting the standards of the international SFIA framework, you can confidently demonstrate your own or your team’s capacities.  


mySFIA corporate edition –  enterprise-wide skills assessment


ACS Professional Partner members can access a corporate edition of mySFIA with enhanced functions. With skills profiling and reporting across teams or an entire enterprise, planning workforce development and training is effortless.


To discover how mySFIA can help your organisation, email  sfia.skills@acs.org.au or call +61 2 9299 3666 today.


How to access mySFIA 


If you are an ACS member, you can access mySFIA from your member area. 


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