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Governance / Member Policy / Anti-Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Harassment on the Grounds of Sex Policy
Below is a list of all the avaliable policies to our members only.
ACS strongly opposes and does not tolerate discrimination and harassment. This Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy (Policy) sets out the expectations of conduct and behaviour and the framework to eliminate discrimination and harassment for all Workplace Participants.
This Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy (Policy) applies to all employees of the Australian Computer Society Incorporated ABN 53 156 305 487 (ACS), and to all persons carrying out work in any capacity for ACS, including ACS management committee members, consultants, contractors (and their personnel), and volunteers for ACS, either at or away from ACS’ premises (Workplace Participants).
This Policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment or any contractor’s contract for services and does not otherwise impose contractual or other legally binding obligations on ACS.
However, all Workplace Participants must comply with this Policy. Breaches of this Policy will be taken very seriously. Where such conduct is investigated and found to have occurred it may result in ACS acting pursuant to section 10 of this Policy. ACS is obliged to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate as far as possible:
ACS aims to:
Workplace Participants should be aware that discrimination and harassment are unlawful. In some cases, such discrimination and harassment may also constitute a breach of a Workplace Participant’s work health and safety duties and may also constitute a criminal offence under applicable criminal laws.
Workplace Participants:
Managers and Supervisors:
ACS Executive Team:
Discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another because they happen to belong to a particular group or have a particular characteristic.
Discrimination is unlawful if the person is treated less favourably because of the following characteristics or attributes (or due to a person’s association or connection with a person who possesses one of these characteristics or attributes):
Discrimination can be direct or indirect.
Direct Discrimination:
Indirect Discrimination:
Any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour where a reasonable person would have anticipated the possibility that the person harassed would feel offended, humiliated or intimidated.
Sexual harassment can also occur in a sexually charged or ‘hostile’ work environment, even if the conduct is not directed at a specific person.
Sexual Harassment can take different forms, including physical contact, verbal comments, the display of offensive material and uninvited intimacy.
Examples of sexual harassment include:
What may be acceptable socially or in private life may be inappropriate in a work context.
Sexual harassment is not behaviour which is based on mutual attraction, friendship, and respect. If the interaction is consensual, welcome, and reciprocated, it is not sexual harassment.
Additionally, sexual harassment is unlawful in a range of circumstances under state and federal legislation, including but not limited to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth).
Harassment on the grounds of sex is any unwelcome conduct of a seriously demeaning nature by reason of the person's sex in circumstances in which a reasonable person would have anticipated the possibility that the person harassed would be offended, humiliated or intimidated.
Examples of harassment on the grounds of sex include:
Sexual harassment or harassment on the ground of sex can occur during normal work hours and on work premises, but can also occur at work-related social functions outside of working hours or outside of normal work premises (such as at an ACS Christmas party, ACS event or where a Workplace Participant is required to travel for work), and on social media and/or electronic methods of communication which are connected to work.
Sexual harassment or harassment on the ground of sex can occur in person, and also by electronic means. For example, sending (including forwarding and otherwise engaging with) inappropriate emails containing inappropriate content while at work, or using an ACS email account. Workplace Participants are reminded that email and other electronic communications are not private, and inappropriate use of email and other electronic mediums can constitute as sexual harassment or harassment on the ground of sex.
Any Workplace Participant who believes that they have been discriminated against or unlawfully harassed or who has witnessed any unlawful discrimination or harassment, should raise the matter with their manager (if appropriate), a member of the People & Culture team, or a member of the senior management team.
There are several ways in which conduct can be addressed. This includes informal action such as confronting the harasser directly (but only if the individual feels comfortable to do so), lodging a Grievance (ACS’ Grievance Policy and Procedure) or where anonymity is required, lodging a Whistleblower report (insert link).
Whilst ACS endeavours to resolve matters internally, in addition to making an internal complaint as described above, Workplace Participants can also obtain information and make a complaint regarding discrimination or harassment, to the Australian Human Rights Commission. Further information can be found at https://www.humanrights.gov.au.
Workplace Participants can also seek advice from a lawyer or their union. Employees can also contact AccessEAP if they require support.
It is unlawful for a Workplace Participant to victimise another Workplace Participant by subjecting that person to a detriment because they have made (or intend to make) allegations in relation to the conduct set out in this Policy, formal or informal, or otherwise taken part in a process regarding allegations of conduct set out in this Policy.
It does not matter whether this occurred through an internal ACS process, or through a formal legal process such as proceedings before a court, tribunal, or commission.
Any acts of victimisation will be dealt with as a breach of this Policy, pursuant to section 9 below.
Should any Workplace Participant be found to have engaged in behaviour that is prohibited by this Policy, it will result in appropriate action being taken (as determined by ACS in its discretion acting reasonably).
Discrimination, sexual harassment and harassment on the ground of sex is against the law in a range of circumstances under state and federal legislation, including but not limited to the legislation in each Australian state and territory. Action could be taken against Workplace Participants personally for engaging in discrimination, sexual harassment or harassment on the ground of sex. Employees could also be exposing ACS to liability.
Workplace Participants should also be aware that if their conduct constitutes a breach of applicable legislation, they could be exposed to legal action being taken against them personally (including facing civil and/or criminal charges for their actions).
If an employee or Workplace Participant has any queries about this policy, they should contact their direct supervisor or People & Culture.
Workplace Participants can access further information and resources about the matters contained in this Policy at https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/ and https://humanrights.gov.au/.
ACS retains the absolute discretion to vary, replace or rescind this Policy from time to time, in accordance with the needs of the business.
Under the relevant legislation, both direct and indirect discrimination is deemed to be unlawful. Without limitation, that legislation includes:
This includes all amendments or replacement legislation.
Revision History
Date of Issue
Piper Alderman (External Legal Review)
Legislation Update
Sparke Lawyers (External Legal Review)
Legislation update – draft
Midori Sugiyama (Policy and Process Officer)
Updated formatting to be consistent with new template.
Liesa Zuscak
Reviewed and updated policy
13 May 2024
Revision History
Date of Issue
Zarah Bedolach – Director of People and Culture
Review and approval