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Tomorrow’s Digitally Enabled Workforce


The report Forecasting Australia's Job Landscape: A Strategic Analysis for Informed Decision-Making and Successful Workforce Transitions covers a comprehensive range of technological, economic, social and other trends that will impact jobs and employment and inform strategic choices in the next 20 years.


The megatrends and strategic choices impacting employment 


This report examines plausible futures for jobs and employment markets in Australia in the next two decades. 


While digital technology disruption is an important driver, the report covers a comprehensive range of technological, economic, social, environmental and geopolitical trends. The aim is to inform strategic choices of governments, companies, communities and individuals in planning for economic growth, productive industries, rewarding careers, cohesive communities and improved quality of life.


This report implies that workforce transitions – how individuals move from one job to another and how industries move from one labour market structure to another – are crucial. Although change is inevitable, future destinations are not. Based on this narrative of the future, individuals, communities, companies and governments can identify and implement transition pathways that achieve better outcomes.