12 October 2022
ACS, the professional association for Australia’s technology sector, welcomes the ABS report ‘2021 Census shows Australia going high tech’ released this morning (https://www.abs.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/2021-census-data-shows-australia-going-high-tech).
The Census result showing technology jobs are among the nation’s fastest growing occupations confirms the findings of ACS’ annual Digital Pulse report which this year predicted 1.2 million Australians will be working in the sector by 2027.
ACS CEO Chris Vein said: “The figures released by the ABS today illustrate just how important the technology sector is to Australia’s economy and wider society. Almost every business, government department and community organisation are dependent upon IT to deliver services and maintain the nation’s high living standards.’
“The strong growth in key technology roles is only going to continue while at the same time we are seeing new, emerging data and cybersecurity focused positions increasingly being in demand as the industry evolves.
“Our Guide to the IT Professions report which will be launched tomorrow by the Federal Minister for Skills, Brendan O’Connor, illustrates how the sector is growing and what jobs are increasingly in demand.
“We’ve been delighted with the Federal government’s engagement with the sector since the election earlier this year along with the initiatives announced to address the IT profession’s diversity and overcome the nation’s skills gaps.
“There is a lot more to be done in this space, and ACS is looking forward to seeing the initiatives announced in the upcoming federal budget and working with the Albanese government to ensure Australia has the digital skills necessary for the 21st Century world.”
Copies of the Guide to IT Professions report due to be launched are available for media. Please contact Troy Steer below.
Director of Corporate Affairs and Public Policy
ACS is the professional association for Australia’s technology sector and the largest community with 47,000+ members from across business, government and education.
ACS champions the technologies, people and skills critical to Australia’s future, creating value for ACS members, the tech sector and society in four ways:
Our focus is on fostering an innovative and inclusive community that is dedicated to powering positive change through technology.
We set the standard for assessing, developing and recognising the skills and experience of technology professionals.
We create career pathways to guide technology professionals and ensure Australia has a pipeline of talent with the right skills and knowledge.
We assess and support skilled technology migrants to address critical skills shortages, improve diversity and enrich Australia’s workforce.
Find out more at: acs.org.au