We have implemented new login procedure. Learn More


Your skills assessment application has been saved

Thank you for saving your application, which has not yet has not yet been submitted. We’ve sent you an email containing your application ID and instructions on how to set your password, so you can revisit your application on the applicant dashboard and submit it later.

Saved application confirmation

You have 30 days to submit your application


Please note, applications that remain inactive for more than 30 days will be deleted. Please check your email and set up your password now. 



Celebrate your tech career achievements 


Take your next step towards recognition and validation of your credentials so you can integrate into Australia's thriving tech workforce. As the trusted leader in the tech sector, ACS recognises your career achievements to create a pathway to Australian permanent residency. 


We’re here to help


Should you have any questions, please contact Member Services on member.services@acs.org.au