Member Services
PO Box Q534 Queen Victoria Building
Sydney, NSW, 1230
+61 (0)2 9299 3666
Over 600 events to help you network, find mentors and learn from peers. A range of webinars and virtual events to learn from leaders.
Use ACS’s mySFIA tool to understand your competencies and capabilities, profile your skills and map your career plans.
New courses, prescribed learning journeys, vendor certification practice tests, certifications on completion and recommendation for continual learning and skills development.
With 44,500 digital assets, exclusive training videos, recorded webinars and insights from tech leaders.
Access to thought leadership and ground-breaking reports to keep you updates with the latest trends in the tech sector.
Protect yourself with our professional indemnity coverage for members that invoice less than $100,000pa for ICT services.
All ACS members can access and use the Technology Hub facilities in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and ACT.
Career advice, job seeking content, profiles of working with specific organisations, and available opportunities with employers across the tech sector.
Become part of thriving, innovative and inclusive tech community dedicated to creating positive change for all Australians through technology.
Individuals can join here: Join or Get Certified Now.
The fee schedule for new and current members is as follows:
Living within Australia
Living outside Australia
Associate, Member, Senior Member, Fellow
Full-time Student Concession
1st Year Graduate Concession
2nd Year Graduate Concession
Unemployed Concession
Retiree Concession
The Professional Partner Program (PPP) is designed to support employers and/or organisations with a holistic approach to the professional and practical development of ICT professionals. It allows your staff or representatives to join ACS as individuals under a group arrangement.
To ensure the PPP arrangement remains relevant and continues to meet the needs of an employer or organisation, ACS assigns an account manager to conduct regular reviews to discuss activities and initiatives.
ACS has a 'Reinvestment Strategy' for PPP arrangements whereby 15% of all membership fees are reinvested with the partner to use on professional development courses or other ACS initiatives.
If your workplace has offered you ACS membership, they can provide you with their PPP application link. Alternatively, contact ACS on +61 (0) 2 9299 3666 or email acsppp@acs.org.au.
If you have previously been an ACS Member, you can apply for a reinstatement by contacting Member Services. When you apply for reinstatement, you will retain your previous equivalent membership grade.
For full details of membership eligibility criteria, view the ACS Membership Guidelines.
To be eligible for concessional membership, you need to meet one of the following criteria:
To apply, complete an application for admission into a Special Category of Membership and email to memberservices@acs.org.au.
If you can demonstrate you are a current full-fee paying member of an overseas peer society, you can receive a 20 per cent discount on the annual ACS full membership fee. Apply for membership to ACS.
A reciprocal benefits scheme exists with the ICT societies listed below:
Please Note: The discount only applies if you are a current full-fee paying member with the peer society and you are joining ACS as a secondary society. To claim the discount, you will need to provide financial evidence of your membership with the first society each year when renewing your ACS membership.
Evidence of your financial status with your first society is required each year when renewing your ACS membership to claim this discount.
All ACS members must satisfy the criteria set out in the ACS Membership Guidelines.
The National Regulations (NR 2.2.4) provides that an ICT practitioner or student can be appointed a member of the ACS if the applicant satisfies the relevant criteria set out in the National Regulations and Guidelines for Membership.
The National Regulations (NR 2.2.3) provides that an ICT practitioner can be appointed a Member of the ACS if the applicant satisfies the relevant criteria set out in the National Regulations and Guidelines for Membership.
Senior Member
The National Regulations (NR 2.2.2) provides that a Senior Member of the Australian Computer Society is a person who has performed at a senior level as an ICT professional and meets the requirements set out in the National Regulations.
The National Regulations (NR 2.2.1) provides that a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society is a person who has made a distinguished contribution to the field of information and communications technology in Australia.
ACS is proud to have members living in over 90 countries. No matter where you live or what areas of ICT interest you, an ACS membership can open doors to professional opportunities throughout your career.
If living outside of Australia, your ACS membership includes:
ACS delivers many premium events that are either live-streamed or recorded and available in the digital library. You can access quality continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities via the library of on-demand recordings.