Have you made a distinguished contribution to our profession? Apply to become an ACS Fellow today
Thursday, 13 Apr 2017
Thursday, 13 Apr 2017
The award of Fellow is the highest honour that ACS bestows, and is widely recognised across our industry. As the professional body for ICT in Australia, we pride ourselves on recognising those who have made a distinguished contribution to the development of ICT which has been of benefit to others within the sector.
The ACS Victorian branch is eager to acknowledge those individuals, and is encouraging members to nominate for an ACS Fellowship.
The key to a successful Fellow’s nomination is to emphasise your distinguished contribution. This may include successful business outcomes and accomplishments, or notable research and development to ICT.
For more information, please contact Kelly.Kayne@acs.org.au or call 03 9249 6700.
Fellows application top-tips
Starting your application:
Writing your application
Submitting your application