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ICT: hot jobs, future jobs, guaranteed jobs

Monday, 06 Feb 2017


 We look at the state of the Australian ICT industry.

Looking for a new ICT role? Information Age talks to leading ICT recruitment specialist Luke Singleton of Spark Recruitment about the hardest roles to fill in the Australian market, what ICT students should be studying to meet future job demand, and whether having a university degree still matters.

IA: Which ICT jobs are hot at the moment?

Luke: The main demand we have is for developers, IT security specialists, cloud engineers, DevOps engineers, scrum masters and business analysts.

IA: What skills are employers looking for right now?

Luke: Strong technical skills but also an ability to understand how technology adds value to the business. Strong problem solving and critical thinking skills are a becoming a key part of the hiring equation.

IA: Do you feel there is enough of a focus on ‘soft skills’ in ICT roles?

Luke: There is absolutely a focus. IT professionals have to add value to the businesses that they are representing. This is all about soft skills.

IA: What ICT roles are difficult to fill in Australia? Is there a shortage of qualified professionals in any particular ICT discipline?

Luke: Frontend developer roles with JavaScript skills are hard to fill. Software engineering roles are also relatively hard to fill. On the infrastructure side, Linux and DevOps roles are hard to fill. Pure play Scrum roles are also a challenge.

Overall, there is a structural issue for the technology industry in Australia as we don’t produce enough graduates in the field.

Click here to read the full interview.