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ACS Victoria starts 2017 with new Chair, Maria Markman

Friday, 20 Jan 2017

Firstly, I would like to welcome everyone back from what I hope was an enjoyable holiday season with friends and loved ones.  I am extremely excited to begin my two-year tenure with the following initiatives in mind:

  1. Recognition - recognising ACS members for the important work they are doing within the industry, driving change and making a difference.
  2. Member engagement - increasing the amount of engagement between ACS, our members, industry, government and education; to bring greater value for all.
  3. Diversity - creating a more diverse membership base by attracting more women, students and young professionals to the ACS and the ICT sector through new and exciting initiatives.
  4. Capacity, Capability and Catalyst - ensuring capacity in the ICT, developing our members’ capabilities (skills), and that we continue to be a catalyst of innovation working with our partners, government and others in the ICT sector.

In reflection of these initiatives, I would like to encourage you and your colleagues to consider attending our first premium event for 2017, the ACS Victoria ‘Diversity – How far have we come?’ breakfast. Discussing diversity is vital as it will continue to bring people together from various backgrounds and with different life experiences and allow us to generate ideas and perspectives to allow us to be more accepting. The moderated panel session will feature industry diversity champions from, KPMG, OACIS and Medcorp Technologies, who will share their opinions and insights on the diversity agenda, how we have evolved as a country on this topic, and how we can continue to break down diversity barriers. This will be an event not to be missed!

I would also urge you all to actively engage in ACS Victoria this year and ensure that you are contributing to advancing our profession.  

Should you wish to contact me, please do so via and follow me on Twitter @ACS_Vic_Chair.

Kind regards,

Maria Markman

Maria Markman
Chair, ACS Victoria