CYBER SECURITY - The Challenges of Cyber Security - Thursday 12 May
Wednesday, 13 Apr 2016
Wednesday, 13 Apr 2016
ACS NSW and The Shire Futures’ Project invite you to join us at the launch of the ACS NSW Cyber Security Forum to hear from a range of experts from industry and academia, discussing the challenges of cyber security and the need to be aware of the intrinsic risks in the cyber world.
Regular forums are planned to be held on cyber security, with the objective of encouraging greater awareness of the threats in cyber security and at the same time grasping the opportunities in further developing a strong cyber security industry in Australia.
Join us and listen to a Chris Joscelyne, Managing Director at Australian Projects, Dr. Guomin Yang of University of Wollongong, Ken Miller, Growth Advisory at Grant Thornton Australia and Leonard Yong Convenor of ACS NSW Cyber Security Forum.
Registration for this event has now closed.