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Hear from Elizabeth Bromham, ACS Victoria Women in ICT Committee Member

Thursday, 07 Apr 2016

In late 2015, Elizabeth Bromham joined both the ACS Victoria Mentoring Program and ACS Victoria Women in ICT Committee. Elizabeth is an active and passionate ACS member who is an advocate for women in ICT and a champion for staying focussed, moving fast and providing value in the sector. Elizabeth took some time to share with us a short summary of her career in IT… and what effect those roles have really had!

Elizabeth B
Elizabeth Bromham
ACS Victoria Women in ICT Committee member

I spent the first three months of my thirty year IT career coding. But since then, I have worked across a number of jobs and functions. Here’s an insight into what I’ve accomplished and worked on to date:

  • Solved problems with hardware and software
  • Realised how things worked… and then made them work better
  • Wrote a book about word processors, ran training courses about databases and made speeches about email, testing and corporate culture
  • Was the person making decisions when a key server falls over at midnight
  • Managed a help desk (that is the staff, the workload and the policy and procedures)
  • Bridged the divide between ICT and business (which involves a lot of talking)
  • Ran projects (an exercise in the art of the possible)
  • Anticipated the future, built to deliver, and protected businesses from disaster
  • Negotiated compromises and persuaded people towards the best path 

Through doing this, I have supported the work of people who put out house fires, help children in crisis, assist recovering drug addicts, manage state-wide emergencies, repair community housing, stop arsonists and ensure childcare centres are run well. The people doing these jobs need ICT to work for them, and I play my part in ensuring that it does.

There is more to IT than meets the eye. There are jobs in the IT sector that some haven’t even heard of and there’s bound to be something that’s just right for you!