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Few Spots Left! ACS WA Young IT Professional Leadership Camp 2016

Thursday, 04 Feb 2016

Being an ICT Professional is one of the most challenging and rewarding careers. The unseen hero is often the one who supports without being noticed. ICT enables business. Rare is the industry that does not rely on the skills of an ICT professional in some way.

You have made a great choice.

The rate of change that technology progresses can leave many of us adrift when deciding our future. Often it won't be your technical skills that lets you move forward. You need to develop your soft skills, and have guidance in the best way forward. The Australian Computer Society is rich with this experience. You can gain access to ICT Professionals from all paths of ICT, and all stages of their career. Learning from the best our society has to offer is one of the richest benefits of being an ACS member.

Mixing with like minded individuals at similar stages in their career, is one of the best things you can do. Shared learning experiences mixed with fond memories of a lifetime stick. Building yourself a strong network for support moving forwards is essential.

The ACS WA Young IT Leadership Camp will provide you this and more. Attend and take your first steps to fulfilling your potential.

When: 19 - 21 February, 2016

Where: Bayview Geographe Resort, 555 Bussell Highway

Register: HERE  

Four Essential Skills this Leadership Camp will cover:


Two Intrepid Nights & Two Inspiring Days

Over two nights and two days you will engage with like minded ICT Professionals. Together you will collaborate, share and grow towards your future.

The weekend program has the key knowledge and skills you need to be successful in your future.  You will learn from experienced, successful ICT leaders.  Collaboration of ideas between participants of this calibre is something you won't see often.

The full program scheduled to give fellowship and learning is sure to leave an impact in all who attend.  The topics cover Motivation, Communication, Problem Solving, Qualities of Good Leaders, and Resolving Conflict.

This is only available to ACS members, and there is a limited availability of tickets. 

Our guest LEADERS will be:
Keynote Speaker: Suart Gibbon

Stuart Gibbon is the Executive Director for ICT Strategy and Delivery at the new WA Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. In this role he is responsible for the development and release of the State’s first whole-of-government ICT Strategy, as well as the development and implementation of many of the tools and frameworks intended to support strategic delivery at both government and agency levels.

Andy Lavender: Critical Expectations for New IT Leaders

Andy is an aaccomplished manager with executive experience in harnessing dialogue between the IT function and business partners across dynamic businesses in the resource and professional service industries. A native Englishman with an Aussie accent, he is currently driving team performance to deliver business vision, strategy and objectives for Information Management assets. His approaches to leadership are informed by a broad knowledge of project methodologies, data modelling processes and enabling business technologies
David Cook FACS CP
Servant Leadership
David is a researcher and lecturer in the School of Computer and Security Science at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia. He has served as the Chairman of the WA Branch of the ACS since 2012. David has been involved in the technology sector for over 30 years, and has researched and published works in the areas of Internet Security, Online Money Laundering, Governance and Technology Ethics.