The Australian Computer Society (ACS) is the ICT professional association for Australia.
In everything we do, our goal is to help our members be the best they can be. We’re passionate about recognising professionalism. We aim to develop ICT skills and build a community with a true sense of belonging.
Each year the ACS in Western Australia hosts a conference to assist professional development of its members. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn new ideas and mix with professional peers. The conference is open to all industry and academic participants.
This year’s conference draws together a varied set of topics of relevance to the the wider ICT community including:
Internet of Things
Internet connectivity has pervaded each and every aspect of our lives. It affects how we communicate, conduct business, amuse ourselves and shop. It isn’t unusual to see cars, home appliances or even the humble toothbrush, connected to the internet. Welcome to the Internet of Things. The world where connectivity is the norm and a standalone device the exception. Vast amounts of information collected from all these devices can provide powerful insights, or simply remind you to buy more milk. Learn how the Internet of Things is affecting our daily lives in both business and pleasure.
Security in an ICT context is a multi-faceted topic. With our daily lives increasingly moving to the web, we are exposing ourselves to greater risk than ever. How comfortable can you be with your information being held by other parties, or even stored on your personal computing device? With digital as the new currency, it is more important than ever to be security aware. Learn from an expert the latest trends on security in our industry.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence or AI is already surrounding us. Machine learning and intelligent algorithms find insights from data that we would otherwise not have the capacity to form. From Facebook, who populate your timeline based on its understanding of your behaviors, to non-player characters in games or simulations carrying out simple tasks. The optimistic dream for AI is a panacea for humanities woes; with the pessimistic view something similar to The Matrix or Terminator. Come and learn more and form your view and see what you can expect from the future.
Intrapreneurs & Innovation
The fact technology enables growth in ways that previously did not exist is no surprise to any of us. How does a large enterprise, rigid with governance and often moving at the pace of the slowest part compete? Innovation is the hallmark of startup culture. Lean and quick to adapt, failing fast and learning faster. What can a savvy ICT Professional do to allow his corporation to compete and thrive? Being an intrapreneur in a large corporate can be as exciting as a fresh startup, yet backed with the resources of scale and stability. Learn how Goliath can compete with David on this new battleground.
Human-Computer Interaction
Each year improved technology is developed to augment, support and assist humans in their daily business or lives. Smart bands to measure steps and help count calories. Smart, depth sensing cameras to play games. 3D Virtual Reality Head Mounted Displays to whisk you away to another reality. Augmented Reality will provide contextual information to our everyday life, supplementing our intelligence and knowledge. We can talk to our computers, and have useful replies back. We are on the cusp of a new way to interact with our technology. A broad horizon faces us with unlimited application. Attend and hear from an expert in this arena.
PANEL DISCUSSION: The Social Impacts of Technology: Good or Evil?
A panel of experts will join the conference to discuss the impacts of technology and look into its positive and negative implications in society. More information to come.
In addition to the conference, the ACS will also be hosting Masterclasses in smaller function rooms at The State Library of WA. Masterclasses are designed to provide attendees with practical and theoretical knowledge about particular ICT subject areas. This is an opportunity for people to have an in-depth insight into a specific area/topic of interest.
ACS Welcomes sponsors to propose Masterclasses in their area of expertise.
Sponsorship of the ACS WA conference can provide an organisation with many benefits. Members of the ACS are widespread in the industry and hold many positions in the ICT landscape.
Sponsors of the conference have a fantastic opportunity to promote their business. We will promote the sponsors before, during and after the conference. Sponsors will also gain consistent exposure throughout the year with recognition at all of the ACS Monthly Forums for 2016.
To register for this event please click HERE

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