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Calling all coding champions to volunteer for CoderDojo Southbank in 2017

Thursday, 15 Dec 2016

A few months ago, ACS Victoria established ‘CoderDojo Southbank’. The CoderDojo movement believes that an understanding of programming languages is increasingly important in the modern world, that it’s both better and easier to learn these skills early, and that nobody should be denied the opportunity to do so.

In 2017, we are looking for more volunteer "mentors" who would like to help!

Mentors will require a Working With Children check and a very basic understanding of coding/programming concepts.

Each week our volunteers introduce a new module or level in a coding program. Participants can begin to understand how sequencing the command codes in particular ways can bring their imaginations alive on the screen in front of them.  
Beginning with the kids programming system ‘Scratch’ and working our way through new programs such as ‘Tynker’ and ‘Hopscotch’, we can already see our ‘coding ninjas’ developing the logic and problem solving skills needed by all programmers and coders around the world.

Our ninjas are encouraged to teach themselves and help each other out before seeking help from a volunteer, which not only provides them with new and relevant computer skills, but also helps them build friendships. We only have one rule at CoderDojo and that is: Be Cool!

To register your interest in volunteering, please contact