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ACS QLD's webinar with Alastair MacGibbon a success

Tuesday, 06 Dec 2016

As part of the new ACS digital strategy, ACS QLD is excited to bring to you a webinar series in 2017. These webinars aim to bring high calibre presenters from across the globe to our members on topics that discuss current macro level influences to the industry which will affect your career/organisation. Accessibale to members across the state it will enable you, no matter where you are and what level of your career, to stay ahead of the game and re-purpose the information to your situaton.

The first of these webinars with Alistair MacGibbon, advisor to the Prime Minister on Cyber Security held on the 22nd Nov, went off without a hitch and was considered hugely informative by the 100+ attendees.

We look forward to bringing more to you next year.