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ICT Jobs, skills and opportunities that now exist in Geelong. Attend our upcoming regional event

Thursday, 27 Oct 2016

Geelong is now being recognised as an emerging world leading ecosystem of innovation and new technology, which brings great opportunity for the technology community of Geelong.

Our expert panelists will discuss the government’s recent investment in the Geelong startup community through LaunchVic and how it is helping to create the jobs of the future.  As well as the jobs, skills and opportunities that now exist in Geelong from education, government and corporate technology perspective.

This event is for anyone working in the ICT sector in the Geelong area.  We invite current ACS members and their colleagues.

Date:Wednesday 9 November, 2016
Time:5:30pm registration for a 6:00pm start
Venue:Geelong Deakin Waterfront Campus

Keynote – Ashley West, Head of IT at TAC

Ashley West
Ashley West was appointed as the Head of IT Shared Solutions in November 2015, his team is responsible for the strategy and delivery of Information Technology services across two key Victorian Government Social Insurance organisations, The Transport Accident Commission and WorkSafe Victoria.

Combined, these organisations pay over $3.5billion annually to injured Victorians with around 140,000 new claims processed each year. Both organisations also invest significantly in accident prevention with the TAC alone investing over $1billion over the next 5 years in infrastructure in a direct effort to reduce road trauma from the Victorian Road network.

Panelist – Peter Dostis, CEO at Runway Geelong

Peter Dostis
Peter is passionate about innovation and the commercialisation of products and services to gain competitive advantage for Australia globally. He is currently CEO and co-founder of the Runway Geelong incubator program focused on creating a start-up ecosystem in Geelong that will help launch start-ups as well as develop Geelong into a start-up city.

He has a significant amount of commercial and operational experience having hopped in and out of both his own businesses as well as a number of medium and large corporates. Over the last 30 years. Peter has started up 3 of his own businesses and worked in over 30 organisations either directly or through his own businesses including Spotless, Pivot, Department of Education, Myer, Just Group, Sausage Software, Cotton On, 7-Eleven and Starbucks.

Panelist – Jacqui Beck, Economic Development Coordinator at Regional development Victoria

Jacqui Beck
Jacqui Beck is a leader who has worked within community and government for over 20 years. She has a love for grassroots development and is passionate about what communities can achieve when they come together. She has formulated policy proposals for Government consideration, negotiated and liaised at senior levels worked directly with stakeholders and consulted with other Australian and State and Territory agencies.

She has worked in national and state roles where she has implemented innovative and challenging programs with young people, families, communities and businesses. Jacqui is especially passionate about the digital economy, particularly how digital enables all other aspects of the economy.

For more information and to register, please click here.