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Last Branch Forum for 2016! High Performance Computing, Presented by Mark Gray & Christopher Harris

Wednesday, 26 Oct 2016

Our last Forum for 2016 will feature Mark Gray, Data Technical Specialist and Christopher Harris, Senior Supercomputing Specialist from Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. They will be showcasing three of the many projects supported by Pawsey, including the Square Kilometre Array and Pawsey’s involvement. 

They will be also discussing how Magnus, Australia’s most powerful research supercomputer, is helping to fight hunger in East Africa and Pawsey’s involvement in catching shooting stars.

 The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre is enabling Big Science outcomes by providing researchers with supercomputing, large scale data storage and visualisation. Pawsey is an unincorporated joint venture between CSIRO, and the four public universities and is supported by the Western Australian and Federal Governments.

 The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is an international project to build a next-generation radio telescope. The two precursor projects to the SKA, the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) and Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) serve as important technological demonstrators for SKA.  The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre’s provides infrastructure and operational support for the precursor projects and is critical for the success of the SKA. 

Assistant Professor Laura Boykin is using the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre’s resources and expertise to assist farmers in poverty-stricken East Africa by helping to identify whitefly species (crop destroying insects) and fight global famine.

The Desert Fireball Network (DFN) utilises Pawsey services and infrastructure to collect images of fireballs as they fall in the Australian desert and retrieve fallen meteorites from the desert floor to study the origins of our solar system.

When: Tuesday 15th November, 2016 / 5PM Registration for 5:30PM Start

Where: State Library of Western Australia, Theatre – 25 Francis Street PERTH WA 6000

Register HERE