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ACS visits the Monash Museum of Computing History

Thursday, 13 Oct 2016

By Barbara Ainsworth, Monash Museum of Computing History on 6 October 2016

ACS President Anthony Wong, along with Dr Rod Dilnutt, Director, ACS Membership Lifecycle Board and Dr Peter Thorne, ACS Heritage Committee, visited the Monash Museum of Computing History at Monash University’s Caulfield campus, last Thursday 6 October. 

The ACS Heritage Committee has been formed to develop projects to protect the history of the ACS and ICT industry in Australia for the benefit of members and the profession for the years to come. The group were met by the Museum’s Curator, Barbara Ainsworth and Honorary Consultant, Chris Avram, a Fellow of the ACS, who has been involved with the MMoCH since it was established by Museum Director, Associate Professor Judy Sheard. During the visit, the group looked at the displays and collection in storage. Anthony inspected all aspects of the museum display supported by a much appreciated ACS targeted financial grant and acknowledged in the museum display.

ACS visit to the MMoCH exhibition. (Left to Right) Chris Avram, Anthony Wong, Barbara Ainsworth, Rod Dilnutt, and Peter Thorne.

The Monash Museum of Computing History is part of the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University and was established over 15 years ago. The Museum has a collection of historical computing artefacts and reference material associated with computer developments in Australia, with a particular focus on computing at Monash University.

The current permanent exhibition was opened in 2005 with financial support from several resources including the Faculty, ACS and the Victorian Government. The display includes the original computer, a Ferranti Sirius, installed at Monash University in 1962, as well as examples of early calculators, mainframes and desktops from 1970-2000.


The Ferranti Sirius on display in the MMoCH.  MMoCH collection, (photographer C. Avram)

An area of the display features biographical portraits of a number of staff and graduates who have been associated with computing at Monash University during their careers. This is a changing exhibition.


Section of the MMoCH display with biographical material on Professor Cliff Bellamy, Foundation Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University and hardware including the mobile system associated with MONECS.

The Museum is also actively researching the history of several projects undertaken by staff and students including the educational system developed by the Computer Centre, known as MONECS, and the internal development of a local area network called MONET, which was implemented on campus in the 1980s. Other research includes collecting biographical information on Monash personalities and referencing the provenance of material in the collection.

The MMoCH display is available for general viewing. Display open hours: Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm in the Foyer, Level 2, Building B, Caulfield campus, Monash University; for further information contact