Connect with peers through the ACS Victoria Mentoring Program - Applications are now open
Thursday, 25 Aug 2016
Thursday, 25 Aug 2016
The benefits of mentoring flow in both directions between a mentor and mentee.
ACS Victoria are proud to announce that the fourth round of the ACS Victoria mentoring program is now open and we are calling for applications from prospective mentors and mentees.
As a mentor, the satisfaction of fostering growth and development of a young professional in IT is the primary reward, however, with ‘digital’ moving as fast as it is, the mentee is no longer the party that benefits the most from the program. These days, skills can very easily be shared from one generation to another, keeping the mentor current with industry trends.
The opportunity to further develop your own valuable skills including coaching and leadership, is adopted through sharing your own knowledge and experience.
An initial induction program will be delivered by ACS to provide some guidance for developing and delivering a quality relationship between the mentor and the mentee. The induction will clarify mentor boundaries and help you discover what makes a mentoring relationship successful.
As a mentee, you are acknowledging your need for support, guidance and tuition, and will make the time to ensure the talent, skills and knowledge you want to develop can be fostered within this program.
The program participants will determine their mode and frequency of contact for the duration of the program, although it is recommended that regular communication is encouraged to make the most out of the program. ACS events are a great way to meet up and connect in a central location.
We take a great deal of time and care when partnering our mentoring pairs. The ACS Victoria mentoring program team match pairs based on the information provided on the detailed application forms, taking into consideration qualifications, industry expertise & common interests.
To find out how to apply for the program, please click here.
Applications close on Thursday 8 September, 2016 at 11:59pm EST.
Applicants will receive a notice of acceptance within 10 working days of the closing date. An information session will follow to introduce mentees and mentors to the program.
To learn more about the program and to download the application forms click here. For further information, please contact