CONTRACTORS & CONSULTANTS - Professional Indeminity & Public Liability - Tuesday 26 July
Wednesday, 13 Jul 2016
Wednesday, 13 Jul 2016
Managing risk is critical to the success of SMEs; whether a well-established SME delivering IT products and services, an IT Consultant, or an entrepreneur ready to move into the Tech Start-Up phase.
With companies putting more reliance on ICT to achieve competitive advantage, there is much at stake should complex technology products and projects not perform as promised.
ACS has established a partnership arrangement with Insurance House brokers and Liberty International Underwriters to ensure ease of access to specialists in ICT, allowing you to explore whether the safeguards you currently have in place are adequate for your needs.
David Gallagher, from Liberty International Underwriters will discuss the insurance partnership with ACS covering the Master Policy, the benefits and conditions. This will be followed by a Q&A to address any of our member’s questions regarding this ACS benefit.
Registration for this even is now closed.