User Experience & Security of Member Data
Tuesday, 05 Jul 2016
Tuesday, 05 Jul 2016
ACS’ digital first business strategy represents a major investment in transforming the online member experience of engaging with ACS.
Our profession is well aware of the benefits of Cloud - platforms that have global scale afford our members a superior experience at a price point that would otherwise be unattainable.
To extract the best possible value for members and take advantage of the costs efficiencies afforded by Cloud, the realisation of the likelihood that data would be stored outside of Australia was a central consideration of the Digital Business Strategy Steering Committee.
As a professional body, it is a given that the security of our member data is of the utmost importance. In addition to utilising the security mechanisms within selected products to protect member data, which includes encryption of key data and audit trails, we also implement strict security policies and codes of conduct with regards to access of member data by ACS staff.
We have selected a CRM solution to house member data that has been certified by the Australian Signals Directorate through their ASD Certified Cloud Services program.
Finally, we are fully compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP).
If you have any questions, please email