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Field of Vision Implants for the Workforce

Thursday, 30 Jun 2016


MYOB CTO turns to the future of human augmentation.

MYOB’s chief technology officer Simon Raik-Allen believes human augmentation “will change the nature of business” – and he’s keen to understand how it might help his firm’s customers.

This month, MYOB unveiled a report on what it called ‘the augmented human’, where it examined “a future where biology and technology blend together to provide workers with a range of physical and mental enhancements.”

“These things will be here faster than we think,” Raik-Allen predicted.

It’s an area that futurists in other software companies are also tracking. Information Age reported earlier this year on Salesforce’s efforts at bringing artificial intelligence to their products.

Salesforce sees AI as a path to reduce friction in customer experiences, making them seamless and “intimate”.

The company’s futurist Peter Schwartz likened it to having a “having personal assistants of an electronic form” – or put another way, an electronic augmentation to our personal selves.

In that way, Raik-Allen is on a similar wavelength.

“Our customers are small business owners and they want an advantage – when they can buy products a bit cheaper, find more customers, or reach their customers via cheaper marketing techniques,” he said.

Click HERE to read the full article.