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ACT Senator Kate Lundy thanked for her contribution to ICT

MEDIA RELEASE: ACT Senator Kate Lundy thanked for her contribution to ICT


The Australian Computer Society (ACS) today congratulated and thanked ACT Senator, The Honourable Kate Lundy for her contribution to the ICT profession throughout her 19 years as a Senator for the ACT. Senator Lundy was made an Honorary Member of the ACS on July 7, 201 1 .

Senator Lundy has had a long connection with the ICT profession through her parliamentary roles, serving as the Shadow Minister assisting for Industry and Technology, as well as Minister Assisting the Minister for Industry and Innovation.

In 201 1 , Senator Lundy was recognised at the ACS Canberra Awards where she paid tribute to senior members of the ACS who had piqued her interest in the ICT profession. Senator Lundy was recognised for her strong support of and advocacy for expanded use of digital technologies, Gov 2.0, open source development and ICT innovation.

In 2012 the ACS worked with Senator Lundy and the then Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy to facilitate consultation for the Consumer Cloud Protocol.

ACS President Brenda Aynsley OAM wished Senator Lundy the very best for her future; "Having an advocate like Kate Lundy is a great thing for the ICT profession. It's been a privilege for our organisation to work with someone as engaged and dedicated as her. On behalf of the ACS I wish Senator Lundy the very best for her future. I hope that her interest in ICT will be maintained in her future endeavours and give us a chance to continue our great working relationship.


Media Contacts

Thomas Shanahan / 0449 902 130


About the Australian Computer Society

The Australian Computer Society (ACS) is the professional association for Australia's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. Over 20,000 ACS members work in business, education, government and the community. The Society exists to create the environment and provide the opportunities for members and partners to succeed. The ACS strives for ICT professionals to be recognised as drivers of innovation in our society, relevant across all sectors, and to promote the formulation of effective policies on ICT and related matters. Visit for more information.