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Risk and Opportunities: When Psychology meets Leadership and Technology

With Dr Bob Murray and Dr Alicia Fortinberry

Event Start: Thu 18 Apr 05:30 PM AEST
Event Finish: Thu 18 Apr 07:30 PM AEST

Closed for Registration

Registration End Date: Thu 18 Apr 12:00 PM

<p>Are you ready to delve into the fascinating realm where psychology meets leadership and technology?<br><br>Join ACS and CPA Australia for an eye-opening event featuring the dynamic duo – Dr. Bob Murray and Dr Alicia Fortinberry – as they unravel the intricate web of unconscious bias that stealthily infiltrates the minds of leaders and even influences the cutting-edge world of AI and technology.<br><br><strong>Leadership in the Spotlight:</strong><br>Dr. Bob Murray, award-winning author, scientist, psychologist and leadership expert, will guide you through the labyrinth of unconscious biases that impact decision-making at the highest levels. Uncover the subconscious factors shaping leaders&#39; choices and learn strategies to foster inclusive and effective leadership. Find out how to avoid human unconscious bias even creeping into technology.<br>Dr. Alicia Fortinberry is a psychologist, author and consultant to many Global 500 companies and governments, She will give practical tips on discovering your own hidden biases and assumptions—and those of others.<br>Alicia and Bob will show how decisions are really made and how there is no such thing as unbiased technology. You will come away understanding how our DNA, our nervous system and our evolutionary inheritance have profound consequences for our society, how we manage our organizations, our ethics and our technology.</p> <p>The session will give you practical tools and tips that you can use immediately to make better decisions and create better technology. It will also be highly interactive with time for discussion, questions and exercises.</p> <p>The Crossroads of Minds and Machines: Together, Dr. Murray and Dr. Fortinberry will explore the fascinating crossover between human decision-making and technological advancements. Gain insights into how biases, both explicit and implicit, can inadvertently be woven into the fabric of AI systems, shaping outcomes and perpetuating societal inequities.</p> <br><br><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;"><span><strong>Date: </strong>   Thursday, 18 April, 2024<br><strong>Time:  </strong>  5:30pm for 6pm – 7:00pm</span></span></span></span></span><br>Welcome: Andrew Crawford<br>Introduction: Cindy Chung, Chair ACS Board<br>Executive Treasurer: Cindy Lu<br>Vote of thanks: Wayne Stokes – CPA President<br><br><img alt="Home | CPA Australia" src=""></img><br><br>  <p> </p>

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Andrew Crawford

Andrew Crawford

Executive with broad experience in all aspects of strategy, operations, process improvement, risk, compliance, accounting, IT and commercial management. Direct experience with Post graduate lecturing, professional training, strategic consulting, project management. Industry experience in health, emergency services, education, banking, wealth management, insurance, business improvement consulting and M&A. An experienced non executive director on Public, Private and Charity Boards and mentors talent for Start ups and the Not for Profit sector.

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Dr Bob Murray

Dr Bob Murray

Dr. Bob Murray: Renowned psychologist and leadership expert, Dr. Bob Murray, brings over three decades of experience in unraveling the complexities of human behavior. With a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and behavioral neurogenetics, Dr. Murray has been a trusted advisor to top executives and organizations worldwide, helping them navigate the intricate dynamics of leadership. His passion for understanding the human mind and its impact on strategic decision-making has made him a sought-after speaker and author. Dr. Murray's insights into unconscious bias in leadership have transformed the way we perceive effective and inclusive management.

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Dr Alicia Fortinberry

Dr Alicia Fortinberry

Dr. Alicia Fortinberry is a trailblazer at the intersection of personality and motivation. Holding a Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, she has dedicated her career to exploring the how leaders can make better and more accurate decisions despite their bias and assumption baggage—including in their development and use of technology.. Dr. Fortinberry is an influential thought leader, advocating for responsible AI development and addressing the biases embedded in technology. Her innovative research and engaging presentations have positioned her as a leading voice in shaping a future where technology aligns with our shared values, ensuring a more equitable and inclusive society.

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Tower 1, Level 27, 100 Barangaroo Ave,Sydney,NSW,Australia

  • where

  • ACS Sydney Hub
    Tower 1, Level 27, 100 Barangaroo Ave
    Sydney NSW 2000
  • when

  • Event Start:
    Thu 18 Apr 05:30 PM AEST

    Event Finish:
    Thu 18 Apr 07:30 PM AEST
  • event price

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