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Endorsed Event

So, I’ve been breached – not my problem – or is it? Webinar

A Cybersecurity and Information Privacy webinar for ICT professionals - regarding new legal responsibilities

Link will be posted 2 hours before the event commences
Wed 21 Feb 2018 12:00 PM AEST
Duration: 1.0 hours
Register by Wed 21 Feb 2018 10:00 AM AEST
CPD Hours: 1
Skills Level: Enterprise IT governance (GOVN) -> Level 5

About this event

As you are most likely aware, as of 22nd Feb Australian's new Data Breach laws will come into effect. Make sure you are across how this will affect you by attending this webinar. This is your chance to ask any questions you may have to an expert in this field.


On the 22 February this year, the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme will come into force. Both organisations and individuals could be legally required to notify both the Australian Federal Government and the individuals whose data was breached. Failure to do so could result in fines of up to $1.8 million for organisations and $370,000 for individuals.

As an ICT professional does this apply to you? Will you have to do anything right now? Could failure-to-act put you out of business? Will you be covered by your liability insurance? Is this just something for the lawyers to worry about? How can I reduce my risks?

This timely webinar will, using examples and practical terminology, discuss the new legislation and what ICT professionals should be doing about it.

The key questions covered are:
  • Does this apply to you?
  • Are their exemptions?
  • Do all breaches need reporting?
  • Do you have to let the individuals affected know?
  • How and when do you notify the government?
Also, the pragmatics of how you can tell if you have been breached - especially as many organisations don’t realise for months afterwards – plus what actions should you take as ‘best working practice’ to minimise the risks of being fined and the negative publicity that would result.

About the presenter

Dr Peter Croll is an ACS QLD Branch Executive Member who brings extensive experience as an ICT consultant. He is an ACS Certified Professional, a Fellow of the ACS and a Certified Health Informatician Australasia.

Dr Croll has published extensively on cybersecurity and privacy and produced pragmatic guidelines for ICT professionals. His numerous presentations on cybersecurity and privacy have been well received, to include the Education Across the Nation tour organised by the ACS.