Special Event

ACS WA Dennis Moore Oration and 1962 Awards 2022

Held at the State Library of WA, the WA Branch of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) annually presents leading edge orations by world class speakers.

State Library of Western Australia, Theatre (Ground Floor), 25 Francis St, Perth, WA, 6000
Wed 26 Oct 2022 06:00 PM AWST
Duration: 3.0 hours
Register by Tue 25 Oct 2022 05:00 PM AWST
In Person
CPD Hours: 2
Skills Level: Business analysis (BUAN) -> Level 5

About this event

The Dennis Moore Oration is the most prestigious forum held by ACS (WA) annually.  
The annual Dennis Moore Oration was inaugurated in honour of Professor Dennis Moore AM, the father-figure of computing in Western Australia. Professor Moore was inaugural chair of the WA Computer Society (which 50+ years later became the ACS of today), the Director of the very first computing centre in WA, an executive director of Government Computing, and then appointed foundation Head of School of Computing at Curtin University of Technology in 1987. 

The Dennis Moore Oration has been hosted by ACS (WA) since 2012 (on the 50th anniversary of the installation of the first computer at UWA in 1962 by Dennis Moore AM) with a range of distinguished speakers on an ICT topic supported by leading edge research, including Professor Andrew Rohl, Professor Ian Reid, Professor Craig Valli, Professor Svetha Venkatesh, Dr Adrian Boeing, Professor Matt Bellgard, Professor Jingbo Wang, Associate Professor Rachel Cardell-Oliver and Associate Professor Doina Olaru. 

This year will be no exception, as our 10th Annual Dennis Moore Oration we are honoured to have Associate Professor Vidy Potdar, Director of the Blockchain R&D Lab, Curtin University, present on this year's Oration topic "Unchained: Blockchain for Businesses".

Abstract : Blockchain technology has the potential to transform our economic, social and environmental landscape as we know it. We are at a tipping point right now where there is a huge shift toward the legitimacy and applicability of this technology. This gives us one of the best opportunities to reimagine our lives, our economy, and the entire way we interact with each other around the world.
Blockchain technology was first introduced in 2008 as the foundation for Bitcoin. It has since swiftly evolved to mainstream business applications, and it is showing no signs of slowing down. In 2021, blockchain and fintech attracted investment over $20 billion globally. 
Blockchain technology is the perfect fit for the modern business landscape. It empowers individuals, companies, and entrepreneurs to be directly involved in the blockchain. This puts control back into the hands of the people. Instead of tech giants and financial institutions having full authority over your data, blockchain democratises data so you are in control of your own data.
In the last 18 months, the Blockchain Research & Development Lab (BRDL) has led 12 blockchain projects in Western Australia and across the nation. We were working to address one fundamental question: How can blockchain technology be implemented successfully within business across a variety of industries? We found the answer by executing 12 projects across 8 different industries, including agriculture, sustainability, mining, art, healthcare, supply chain, photography and recycling.
Given our extensive blockchain experience we initiated two new in-house blockchain initiatives. The first is the development of our own lightweight blockchain platform, which we call the XBC. The second is A2B: Anything to Blockchain, a blockchain accessibility platform being researched and developed in our Blockchain R&D Lab. The objective of this initiative is to make blockchain technology accessible and affordable.

The winners of the 1962 Prize and 1962 Medal will also be announced. These prestigious awards, sponsored by Professor Dennis Moore AM, showcase the best and brightest minds in WA and are a celebration of local talent, student excellence and the next generation of ICT Professionals. 

The distinguished Oration event will be held at the Theatre in the State Library WA on Wednesday October 26th, 2022 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm, the event will conclude with Networking Drinks and Canapés.

**Dress Code: Smart Business**

Background - Dennis Moore Oration

The Oration is named after Dennis Moore, the father-figure of computing in Western Australia.  Professor Moore was first chairman of the WA Computer Society, the Director of the very first computing centre in WA, an executive director of Government Computing, and then appointed foundation Head of School of Computing at Curtin University of Technology in 1987.

ACS 1962 Prize

The prize celebrates the year in which the first digital computer was installed in Western Australia and is sponsored by Dennis Moore FACS. This prestigious prize is annually awarded to an individual Computing/Information Systems student in Western Australia.

ACS 1962 Medal

The medal is named in honour of the year that Western Australia's first internally programmed digital computer was installed by Professor Dennis Moore FACS. This medal is awarded to the most outstanding completed Doctoral research (eg PhD) in Western Australia in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science.

The 2021 Award Winners

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     1962 Prize - Alistair Martin            1962 Medal - Dr Naeha Sharif


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Associate Professor Vidy Potdar

Event Location

State Library of Western Australia, Theatre (Ground Floor), 25 Francis St, Perth, WA, 6000