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ACS Professional: Essential Legal and Accounting Advice for your Tech SME

Join ACS Queensland Preferred Legal Partner Active Law, and Preferred Accounting Partner William Buck for a free educational presentation to support the effective and compliant management of your tech SME along with tips for restructuring. Relevant for ICT Professionals working in, or running their own Tech SMEs along with startups, don’t miss this expert presentation that will step through pertinent legal, accounting and financial foundational topics along with considerations for the COVID-19 environment.

Event Start: Thu 12 Nov 05:30 PM AEST
Event Finish: Thu 12 Nov 07:30 PM AEST


Registration End Date: Tue 10 Nov 09:00 AM

<span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><b>Choosing your business structure and how to keep the peace after the honeymoon</b><br><br><b>Andrew Redburn</b>, Legal Practitioner Director and <b>Phillipa Hooper</b>, Senior Associate, from Active Law, will present on effective legal business structuring for your tech SME and managing the relationships with your business partners or shareholders. <br><br>Choosing the right legal structure for your business is vital to optimise tax effectiveness, asset protection, and flexibility for future growth.  But does it stop there? You and those you are in business with have invested time, energy, and money into the business. Lessen the risk of those relationships souring by having a framework of rules to play by.<br><br><b>Your basic obligations as an employer</b><br><br><b>Michelle Cowan</b>, Senior Associate, Active Law will then present on the employment standards that you must comply with when you employ staff in your business. Many employers are confronted with substantial fines and court orders because they haven’t complied with their obligations under the Fair Work Act 2009 and have then not remedied their breaches when required to. It’s easy to get it right, you just need to understand what your obligations are.<br><br><b>Tax tips on how to effectively restructure your business and what concessions may be available to you</b><br><br>Whether you have outgrown your existing structure, are potentially looking to exit the business or bring on new partners, it is imperative to review your structure on an ongoing basis and make the necessary changes ahead of time. When restructuring, there are many issues to consider.</span></span></span><br><br><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><b>Asif Joowalay, </b>a</span></span></span><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;">s a Senior Manager at William Buck, Asif provides business and corporate advisory services to a range of different industries and types of businesses. His focus is on business valuations, due diligence and development for property enthusiasts. </span></span></span><br><br><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><b>Scott Lindeblad</b>, Manager, William Buck will step through these and the options available to your business, along with the tax concessions accessible to you to minimise any potential tax and business impacts. There is no one size fits all restructure, so come along and learn how best to restructure your business.</span></span></span><br><br><b>SPECIAL MEMBER OFFER</b><br><br><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;"><span>Did you know Active Law and William Buck have special ACS Queensland member offers available? Active Law is offering a <a href=";customerID=&amp;s=FbgWtWds2QTwMFImhc_5ND-rdK6Z8-aDe5TFsPCWRhI" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank"><span style="color: #cc0000;">half-price employment law health check to ensure your organization is compliant for $106 plus GST</span></a> and fixed-price bundles for business sales and purchases. William Buck is offering preferential member rates for <a href=";customerID=&amp;s=Fz8B6TeNKdjZJFuqku2KT-S2_QjU82hs7no43oRTC9k" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank"><span style="color: #cc0000;">ongoing tax/accounting support starting (from $200 per month plus GST), and personal returns from $250</span></a>. Follow the links above for more information and to request a consultation.</span></span><br><br><b><i>This event is proudly brought to you by</i></b><br><br><img alt="User-added image" src=";oid=00D90000000o5NE&amp;lastMod=1601258463000"></img><br><br><img alt="User-added image" src=";oid=00D90000000o5NE&amp;lastMod=1601258347000"></img><br><br><i><span style="font-size: 11pt;"><span><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;">Attendance numbers for this event are strictly capped to 50 and will be run in line with COVID-safe principles.</span></span></span></i>

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Phillipa Hooper

Phillipa Hooper

Phillipa has over 20 years of local and international experience (having lived and worked in both the United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates) in business and commercial law, property, construction, intellectual property and the not-for-profit sector.

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Michelle Cowan

Michelle Cowan

Michelle is an experienced workplace relations lawyer who has advised both employer and employee groups in state and federal jurisdictions. She has expertise in establishing strategic employment standards and in managing workplace disputes in social enterprises and NFPs.

Michelle’s legal experience is augmented by her many years of direct management experience in large retail organisations, managing all aspects of the employment life-cycle for large groups of employees. She has the practical experience to provide pragmatic advice about how to navigate the complexities and risks that exist in employment relations. Having worked in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission, Michelle is skilled in assisting employers to navigate matters in that jurisdiction, such as worker's compensation, long service leave and wage disputes for private employers not covered by the Fair Work Act.

Michelle has a particular interest in workplace bullying and has assisted employers to investigate complaints, manage bullying conduct and negotiate resolution of employee bullying applications.

Michelle has considerable experience in:

  • Preparing employment contracts;
  • Advising on award interpretation;
  • Advising on employee entitlements;
  • Drafting, implementing and applying workplace policies;
  • Conducting workplace investigations;
  • Advising on managing ill and injured employees;
  • Advising on employment disputes;
  • Advising on employee performance management;
  • Discrimination in employment;
  • Advising on termination of employment;
  • Conducting bullying investigations; and
  • Representation in the FWC for unfair dismissal and bullying applications.
Michelle gets to the core of the issue and advises on the options available to employers to manage a situation, so they can adopt a strategy that they feel comfortable with and that will meet their organisational objectives.

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Andrew Redburn

Andrew Redburn

Andrew has extensive experience in proving advice on commercial matters and in commercial litigation. He combines his detailed understanding of insurance principles and a focus on commercial objectives that mean you will get sensible, commercial and cost effective advice to help you achieve your objectives or resolve your dispute.

Andrew has practised throughout his career in commercial litigation/commercial dispute resolution. He has provided commercial and dispute related legal services to individuals, small-medium businesses, large corporations and bodies corporate. Before becoming a Director of Active Law, he previously worked for a leading Insurance based Law Firm advising national Insurers in respect of professional negligence, public liability and product liability matters as well as policy interpretation Professional Indemnity Claims. Andrew has also worked with a large national firm, primarily in leasing disputes, trade practices and misrepresentation matters, contract interpretation disputes, insolvency and general commercial litigation.
Prior to entering the practice of law, Andrew was a scientist having graduated from Griffith University with first-class honours. It is this scientific grounding that has developed Andrew’s analytical approach and his ability to comprehend varying circumstances and principles quickly. Coupled with his depth of legal experience, he can quickly identify commercial risks and provide meaningful and practical advice to avoid or resolve commercial disputes.

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Scott Lindeblad

Scott Lindeblad

Scott takes a collaborative approach with his clients, so he can truly understand their business and the key drivers to ensure we are developing the strategic direction for their future. Not just looking at fancy graphs.

With over 13 years of experience in the Financial Sector, he has learned early that clients’ requirements differ greatly, and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach for a business.

Scott believes spending time with a good advisor before starting a new venture is a must and stresses the importance of getting it right from the start as it is a lot harder and more costly to make changes once a business is up and running.

He is well-informed on all aspects of technology and innovation and have a special interest in AI, Machine Learning and data analytics and is looking forward to seeing what possible applications technology will bring to clients’ businesses and the financial sector in the future.

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Asif Joowalay

Asif Joowalay

Asif Joowalay, Senior Manager - William Buck, provides business and corporate advisory services to a range of different industries and types of businesses. His focus is on business valuations, due diligence and development for property enthusiasts. 

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Level 5, 95 Charlotte Street,Brisbane,QLD,Australia

  • where

  • The Sebel
    Level 5, 95 Charlotte Street
    Brisbane QLD
  • when

  • Event Start:
    Thu 12 Nov 05:30 PM AEST

    Event Finish:
    Thu 12 Nov 07:30 PM AEST
  • event price

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