Tech Leaders
A conversation with Steve Baxter, Entrepreneur, Investor and Shark - Shark Tank Australia.
A conversation with Steve Baxter, Entrepreneur, Investor and Shark - Shark Tank Australia.
Tech Leaders uncovers the strategies for success by our nation's biggest tech entrepreneurs.
Watch this Sky News Business interview with Steve Baxter gives his views on being a tech success in Australia and why ACS was the best choice to acquire and operate River City Labs and Startup Catalyst.
Through our Sky News partnership, ACS is aligned with some of Australia’s most prominent ICT leaders and tech entrepreneurs. With successful stories of tech entrepreneurship, we hope to spark innovation within Australia so that others will use technology to propel our future economy.
In this special feature, Steve Baxter discusses why ACS was the best choice to acquire and operate River City Labs and Startup Catalyst, and the promising future ahead for tech entrepreneurship in Australia.
Steve Baxter
Entrepreneur, investor and tech startup mentor
Tech start-up investor Steve Baxter is a proud Queenslander, born in the remote town of Cloncurry and raised in Emerald in the State’s central highlands. He left school at 15 and joined the Army, enlisting in its apprenticeship program. There, he became a technician working in the field of electronics, telecoms and guided weapon systems. In 1994, at the age of 23, Steve put his life savings of $11,000 to launch his first start-up, the pioneering internet service provider SE Net, from the spare room of his Adelaide home. SE Net was eventually acquired by Ozemail/UUNet under the stewardship of its founding Director and former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.