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Introduction Construction

Monday, 07 Nov 2016

How to make a good impression— through planning and practice.

By Maureen Zappala, DTM

As a professional speaker, I’m often introduced to the audience by someone who doesn’t know me. How do you introduce a speaker to an audience?

It’s an important job, says speaker and humorist Christine Holton Cashen, a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). “A good introduction is more than your background,” she says. “It can affect how the entire audience receives your message.” 

This also applies to non-speech situations, when you are introducing yourself to other people. What do you say when someone says, “So, tell me about yourself.” Where do you start? While we all are experts on the topic of ourselves, we’re not very good at introducing ourselves. The question “So what do you do?” is most often answered with something like “I’m an accountant” or “I’m in sales.”

Business expert Michael Port, bestselling author of Book Yourself Solid, advises against this. He writes, “We hear the What do you do for a living? question all the time. Your professional category alone is the wrong answer, because that is talking at people, instead of with them.” Instead, he suggests using dialogue to build relationships.

Come and practice "How to Introduce Yourself" and "How to Introduce a Speaker" at the ACS Canberra Toastmasters.

Meetings: first and second Thursday of the month

Venue:      Mantra on Northbourne Canberra Hotel

Time:         5.45pm set up for 6pm start and finishes at 7.30pm

Contact: +612 6143 5503 or

How to Introduce Yourself

These six tips can help you become an expert at introducing yourself so you can make richer connections, build relationships and enjoy more personal and professional growth.

1. Create a plan
2. Use common courtesies
3. Cultivate relationships
4. Be curious
5. Communicate your contribution
6. Be conversational

For more tips on How to Introduce a Speaker, click here.

Learn more about the art of introduction from the Toastmasters manual Creating an Introduction, available from the Toastmasters online store.

Source provided by: Toastmasters International