Are you interested in participating in the ACS Mentoring Program? ACS Canberra Branch is now calling for Expressions of Interest for mentors and mentees for the 2021 program.
To register your interest, please read the information below and then click the "Mentor" or "Mentee" form to complete the online mentoring application by Monday 18 January 2021.
The introduction session of 2021 for Canberra Mentoring program will be held on Tuesday 9 February2021. Click here for a copy of Mentoring Program Guideline.
Mentoring Matters
The purpose of ACS Canberra Mentoring Program is to provide an opportunity for members to help members; to connect individuals with knowledge and experience in their field with those seeking advice and guidance to develop their careers.
There are benefits for both mentor and mentee (see below).
Who can participate in the mentoring program?
The ACS Canberra Mentoring program is open to active financial members based in Canberra. The ACS matches mentors with mentees and encourages them to meet or communicate on a regular basis over six months. A mentor need only be a career stage ahead of a mentee in a related area to have the knowledge to share.
Mentors wanted
Mentors play an important role in developing emerging leaders and professionals. They are active listeners and draw upon their own experience to guide mentees to challenge themselves and create a safe learning environment. They often also sponsor mentees through broadening their networks and contacts. Mentors also grow with the Mentee through further developing coaching skills and learning from the mentee in areas that can improve your own professionalism.
To be a Mentor, you are someone who:
- Have three or more years of work experience and current industry knowledge.
- Have the life experience and a desire to develop and help others.
- A growth mindset and learning attitude that can challenge mentee for their ongoing learning.
- Are willing to donate a little time to develop others and build the mentoring relationship.
Mentees wanted
You can be a mentee at any point in your professional life as you are always learning new skills and competencies. A mentor is someone who will listen and provide advice to help you to develop an action plan to achieve your goals. They assist by providing a sharper focus on what is needed to grow professionally within the organisation or in your future career. They can also expand your networks which may assist in future job or collaboration opportunities by explaining how you can become a more productive and valuable practitioner.
To be a Mentee, you are someone who:
- Are ready, willing and able to meet the mentor on a regular basis.
- Willing to learn and ask for help at the same time receive constructive feedback.
- Willing to take responsibility for your own learning.
- Will commit to expanding your capabilities and focus on achieving your personal and professional results.
Don’t forget, to registe please click the Mentor or Mentee form to complete the online mentoring application form by 18 January 2021.
Form A: Mentor application form
Form B: Mentee application form
Please note that ACS Canberra Branch will do its best to accommodate everyone’s needs but it may not be possible to include all EOIs in this year’s program.Afurther email with a registration link will be sent to selected mentors and mentees. If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact acs.canb@acs.org.au.