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Nominations are now open for 2021 ACS Management Committee & Congress positions


Nominations are called for the six positions of:

(1) Vice President (Academic Boards);

(2) Vice President (Communities Boards);

(3) National Treasurer;

(4) Board Director (Membership Advisory Board);

(5) Board Director (Technical Advisory Board); and

(6) Board Director (Profession Advisory Board)

as the terms of the incumbents expire on 31 December 2020.


Nomination forms, which include eligibility and selection criteria and information on the roles, are here:

The Vice President and National Treasurer positions are part of Management Committee, which is the governing body of the Society. Members of Management Committee are ‘responsible persons’ under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) Act and as such have an obligation to abide by appropriate governance standards. Accordingly, successful candidates prior to taking office will be required to sign a declaration relating to disqualifying offences.

All positions are part of the ACS Congress, which is an advisory and electoral body. The terms for all positions are two years, commencing on 01 January 2021.  However, members should be aware that the Society may move forward with a Governance Review and that the review may result in the position for which you are nominating ceasing to exist, and the appointment being concluded as a result of the Review.



Criteria for selection is taken from the ACS Rules and ACS National Regulations, and the relevant clauses are specified below. Applicants should review the criteria in the Rules and Regulations prior to nominating.

  • Only members of the Professional Division are eligible for election or appointment to Congress or as Branch Office Bearers (National Regulation 2.13.2). The Fellows, Senior Members and Members, together, but excluding members classified into the special categories of Honorary Fellow and Honorary Member (unless the Honorary Member was a member of the Professional Division before classification as an Honorary Member), comprise the Professional Division.
  • If you are applying for a Vice President position the ACS National Office will seek Board Endorsement from the relevant Board on your behalf (endorsement from a majority of the relevant Board is required for the Nomination to be valid); you will be notified of the outcome.  All correspondence relating to Board Endorsements will remain confidential (ACS Rules 8.4.3 (d)).
  • To be eligible for a National Office Bearer position (ie National Treasurer or a Vice President position) you are required to have been a Congress member, other than a Coopted Congress Member, for at least 1 year within the 5 years immediately preceding the election or appointment (ACS Rules 8.4.3), unless exempted from compliance by Congress in its absolute discretion. (ACS Rule 8.4.3(b)).
  • All nominees for ACS elected member positions must have completed the ACS online induction program to be eligible to contest the position. Links to the induction program can be obtained from and must be completed by 14 December 2020, prior to the National Elections at Congress.
  • Applicants may be expected to make a short presentation to Congress, either by videoconference or by teleconference, in support of their candidacy.


Complete the relevant nomination form and email it to, along with a digital or passport-sized photo of yourself for use in the election and a statement of your goals and your qualifications (suitability) for the position.

Nominations will close at 5.00pm (AEDT) on Monday 7 December 2020



The positions are elected by Congress and elections will be held on Tuesday 15 December 2020 during an online Congress meeting. The Candidate Statement and photo will be provided to Congress, as part of the electoral process.